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Bodyweight Pure Strength Workouts

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Body Weight Step up: 1. For this exercise, you’ll want to keep as much body weight as you can over top of the leg that’s gonna be doing most of the stepping up. 2. Place the right foot on the elevated platform. And let the left foot stay on the ground. This will be your starting position. 3. Lift your left foot all the way forward while keeping your knee slightly bent. And your right foot straight. 4. Then back to starting position. 5. Once you’re completed one side, do the other.

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Push Up: 1.Lie with your chest facing down, palms flat on the floor and slightly more than shoulder-width apart, your feet should be together and your legs straight. 2.Push your body upwards and straighten your arms. 3.Lower your body returning to starting position. 4.Repeat.

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Prisoner Squat: 1) When performing this exercise, sit your hips back and keep your back set by keeping your chest up in a neutral or slightly arched position. 2) Interlace your fingers behind your head.

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Body Weight Reverse Lunge 1) As you step back, plant your foot and put your body weight over top of your back knee. 2) Keep your body position tall. All lower body segments in 90 degrees. 3) Return to start position. 4) Repeat.

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Full Plank: 1) When performing this exercise, you’ll want to maintain an active core which means glutes and abdominals on holding neutral spine. 2) Place your hands directly below your shoulders and maintain throughout. 3) Lie face down on a mat with your legs straight, feet together, hands on the floor. 4) Raise your body up into the top of a push-up position, on your hand and toes. Keep your back flat by drawing in your abdominals, and squeezing your glutes. Hold this neutral spine position actively.


Ab Crunch: 1) When performing this exercise, shorten the distance between the top of the pelvis and the bottom of your rib cage while rolling your rib cage up off the mat. 2) Be sure not to strain your neck by moving your head forward.


Single Leg Drop: 1) For this exercise, it’s important to keep your lower back push into the mat. 2) Maintain that pressure with your lumbar spine into the mat as your leg drops out farther away from your body.

Just for Laughs. Leanne loves this guy.